Show Your Support

Partner with us to share God’s grace globally and touch women’s lives all around the world

We rely on support from community members like you to continue helping women discover their unique purpose in Christ, creating faith-strengthening resources, and sharing God’s message of grace with our ever-growing community of over 100,000 readers.


Worthy of Grace Ministries is a 501(c) nonprofit organization, and as such your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


How Will We Use Your Contribution?

At Worthy of Grace, we understand that when you give to a cause you want to make sure your generous donation is being used ethically and wisely. That’s why we are 100% transparent on how we use all monetary donations give to this ministry.

When you donate to Worthy of Grace you help women just like you grow closer to Christ!

Your generous donation will provide funds for:

  • a revamped website providing the highest quality information, resources, and direction to equip you in your walk with Christ

  • website hosting and maintenance fees that allow us to keep this website available

  • daily devotionals on Instagram

  • online course creation, hosting, and maintenance fees that allow us to provide more in-depth mentorship

  • fees related to hosting an email list that allow us to provide weekly email newsletter updates to our community

  • product creation and selling fees

  • giveaways and fundraising costs


Worthy of Grace Ministries is a 501(c) nonprofit organization, and as such your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Receive a free gift when you donate today

All donations will receive a free 40-day devotional ebook. We hope it encourages you and helps you to grow in your faith!